Cowboy Cookies

250g sifted plain flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
125g unsalted butter
60g granulated sugar
175g dark brown sugar
250g chocolate chips
1 very large or 2 small eggs
175g rolled / breakfast oats
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
125g dessicated coconut
175g chopped mixed nuts
***(if you want a fruity extra taste add 125g chopped dried cranberries)***

1. Heat oven to 170C (fan oven) or 180C (no fan)
2. Lightly grease enough greaseproof paper to cover a baking tray.
3. Soften the butter.
4. Cream butter and sugar together.
5. Lightly beat the egg.
6. Add to the butter and sugar, along with the flour, salt and baking soda.
7. Mix well, then add vanilla essence, oats, coconut, nuts and choc chips. Also add cranberries if required.
8. Again, mix well - the mixture will be very stiff !
9. Take 1 tablespoon of mixture for each cookie, roll into a ball then flatten into a cookie shape on the greaseproof paper which is on the baking tray.
10. Repeat until the tray is full (leave about 2cm between each cookie).
11. Bake for 10 - 12 minutes, when cookies will be nicely brown but not overcooked.
12. Test one - if all is well, repeat in batches until all mixture is used.

***Cool, then store in airtight container. Makes about 30 cookies. ENJOY !!***